Uncommon traffic signs
There are many types of road traffic sign use different symbols colors and shapes for easy identification. Most of signs are commonly seen on the streets and immediately know the meaning. However, there will be some signs that are not familiar. The last time you saw it might be when taking the driving test which was a long time ago. These uncommon signs, CAMEL TIRE have given an example for you to see in this article.
Transport with hazardous goods prohibited sign
The sign of vehicles loaded with dangerous goods are prohibited or restricted from passing through some areas that high risk of accidents.
Emergency diversion warning sign
An Emergency Diversion warning sign is a sign that guides traffic around the closed section, bringing it back onto the same road further along its length or change the traffic direction by using a detour or temporary way according to the symbols in the sign. This will alert road users and let them know the road conditions in advance. The sign should be erected approximately 100-metre before the closed section.
Give priority to vehicles from opposite direction sign
This sign is to give priority to vehicles from opposite direction. The drivers must stop at the sign and let the cars from opposite direction pass. If there is a car ahead of you, then stop the car in order. When all the cars pass, then allowing the car that are waiting at this sign to move.

Traffic sign showing the original highway sign
The sign showing the original highway indicate the original direction that is not focus on approach to a city or a large community. Most of the paths are insignificant after the construction of a new road.
Vehicles with a number of 3 indicate on the sign
This traffic sign can only be used for vehicles with a number of people on the vehicle, not less than the number specified in the sign. For example, if the sign indicates the number 3, it means that the vehicle can only pass the lane with at least 3 people sitting in the car. If there are only 1-2 people sitting in a car, so they won't be able to drive through this lane.
Restriction ends sign
Any restriction conveyed through sign on road ends here. This sign indicates that the restriction imposed by the sign is no more valid beyond this point. For example, if you find a sound prohibited sign. After driving for a while, you will find the restriction ends sign. It means that you can use the sound normally.

Gravel warning sign
Gravel road warning sign means the road ahead does not have a sealed bitumen or concrete surface, loose gravel or stone fragments on a road surface can form a hazard to vehicles using that road when driving at high speed. You should drive slowly and carefully.
Narrow roadways ahead warning signs
The narrow roadways ahead so, thus traffic should adjust accordingly. The driver drive switch to each side.
The opening bridge ahead sign
The opening bridge ahead means that bridge can be lift or swing open to allow ships to pass. You must slow down and be careful to stop the car in order not to cause any harm to vehicle in front of you and behind you.